I am Johannes Stübler from Linz / Austria.I am amateurastronomer and member of the local astronomy-assocoation Kepler Sternwarte Linz (former Astronomical Society of Linz - LAG) since 1979. During many years I hold there various functions concerning public astronomical work. Some examples: Under my financial leadership a public observatory has been built in Linz/Austria, a planetary educational trail was established, further on a external observing site out of the city in dark skies has been erected, a big aequatorial sundial was realized and I did some public astronomical lectures and publications, and for some years I have been chairman of the society ..... but this is history for me. Already long ago I consigned my functions to younger and very dedicated people. For example Herbert Raab ( the author of the well known software "Astrometrica") who was for long time chairman and dedicated astrophotographers and amateurastronomers like "stargazer" (Dietmar Hager) or Erich Meyer/Erwin Obermeir/David Voglsam (IAU Observatory Code: 540 Linz) did their great contributions to astronomy worldwide. Of course I am still supporting our great association, but more in the background beeing a member of the advisory board. |
Ready for GAM2021?
Some private additionally
informations about me:
My profession is
IT-Systemmanager in the field of network engineering, but today
I don't carry on this profession.
Beside networking computers I acquired some additional social skills
useful for social networking. I am trainer for group-facilitation and
further I have a qualified schooling in adult-education. Very helpful skills
to share astronomical knowledge and causal relations to a broad class of
Further, beeing an elected Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, I have signed the Universal Ethical Code for Scientists and I am anxious to fullfill these conditions in my daily life and my astronomical functioning. | |
Another passion ist to beat the drums for TWAN - "The World At Night". Holding the role of the TWAN-Austria event coordinator I try to spread the word to as much people as possible |
Finally I have been admitted as
an associate member of the International Astronomical Union - IAU Division
C, Commision 55, assigned to the workingroups "New Media" and "New
Ways of CAP" (communicating atronomy with the public, 2014-2015). Later
I have beeen an "Active Associate" of Commission C2 in the workingroups
"Outreach Professionalization & Accreditation" and "Public Outreach
Information Management" from 2016 - 2018. Further on I held the role: IAU- National Outreach Coordinator AUSTRIA until Aug 27, 2021
Last but not least I support the
great ideas of John Dobson, the founder of the
"Sidewalk Astronomers"
National Organizers:
Deep Space LIVE / Lectures & Exhibitions | ||
INNOVATION4.X - making progress
at time only
German version Spaceville, Asteroid Mining, Space Lift & many more visions.........
a local
City-Project dedicated to the great astronomer Johannes Kepler who lived in
Linz anno 1612 - 1626
at time only
German version
Presse Konferenz v. 27.5.2016
Johannes Kepler created nearly 400 years ago (400Y-anniversary
Mai 2018)
his worldwide breakthrough 3rd Kepler-Law which first time enabled the
exactly calculation of orbits of planets. Today this law is working for all
space agencies and is still used to calculate spaceflights and has
undoubtedly opened the door to space. HERE is the German written report of 400Y-anniversary Mai 2018 So proudly, winking we can say ;-) "Space travel has its origin in Linz !" Visit our Planetenweg of Linzer Astronomischen Gemeinschaft “Johannes Kepler“ only German version |
A small rolling astronomical observatory, built to present
roadshows, to show the starry nightsky "on the fly" during travelling,
connecting people following the mottto "One People, One Sky", doing video
assisted starpartys and ,of course, to visit dark places. My project is
connected to the US-SidewalkAstronomers and extending the idea of
"Sidwalk-Astronomy" to a kind of "Sidewalk-AstronomyV2.0".
Looking to "my" sky in Austria connects me to all
the people around the world in "Our One Sky" :-)
KLICK HERE for the historic collaboration on sharing our OneSky (1. AWB - Remote Observing Session 25. Sept.2009)
KLICK HERE for a report written in German of the 1. international AWB - Remote Observing Event.
KLICK HERE for a report on the IYA2009 closingevent of Virtual Telescope (7. January 2010)
KLICK HERE for a report on the global "Big Dipper, Southern Cross - Event" (8. & 10. January 2010)
KLICK HERE for a report on the global " GAM2010-Messier-Marathont" (5./6. April 2010)
KLICK HERE for a report on the AWB-Tour 2010 - The 1. "AWB-Car" in Turkey, Syria and Jordan (23.April - 3.June 2010)
KLICK HERE for a report on the ELT-World premiere@Linz/AUSTRIA (24.6.2010)
KLICK HERE for a little report on a local information event in my hometown Linz/AUSTRIA (5.11.2010)
KLICK HERE for a report about the John Dobson - LIVE Webcast (13.11.2010)
KLICK HERE for a report about THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE - LIVE Webcasts (20/21.12.2010)
KLICK HERE () to a LINK about my activities concerning AWB&TWAN in Austria (mostly German written)
KLICK HERE for a first report about TWAN-AUSTRIA-TOUR (16.-29.3.2011) with Babak Tafreshi
KLICK HERE for some reports about activities during GAM-2011
KLICK HERE for a report about the opening of the 1. digital TWAN-exhibition in Linz
Above a radio-broadcast with BabakTafreshi &
KLICK HERE : Symposium about lightpollution in Linz at AEC
KLICK HERE : Meeting about chance and risks of artificial light.
KLICK HERE : Mike Simmons(AWB) & Babak Tefreshi(TWAN) - 2 special virtual guests at AEC Linz
KLICK HERE Links to GAM2012 Reports from Austrian AWB Affiliates
KLICK HERE for a report about my stay in Brazil during the 5th international Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics
KLICK HERE for a report about my stay at the European Week of Astronomy and Spacescience in Rome
KLICK HERE Meeting Jerry Bonell (APOD) and Babak Tafreshi (TWAN)
KLICK HERE Warren Keller & Damian Peach in Linz at AEC-Festival
KLICK HERE Greetings from Thailands biggest observatory
KLICK HERE Report from my Vietnamese AWB-friends about my visit in HCMC
KLICK HERE Report about an inaugural lecture: "Mathematical algorithms and software for ELT adaptive optics"
KLICK HERE Some visual impressions from CAP2013-conference meeting in Warsaw
KLICK HERE Some visual impressions from ISAN7 - EVENT in Linz (International Sidewalk Astronomy Night 2014)
KLICK HERE Global Astronomy Month 2015: My GAM2015 - blog "Living the idea"
KLICK HERE ASTROTRAILER - advancing John Dobsons idea to the next level
KLICK HERE Promoting GAM2016
KLICK HERE AUSTRIAN member of "Linzer Astronomische Gemeinschaft" found meteorite
KLICK HERE Global Astronomy Month 2016: My GAM2016 - blog "Fighting Against Growing Borders"
KLICK HERE GAM2016 - Report Global Starparty 2016 in Linz
KLICK HERE 1st Media Conference 27.5.2016 - presenting "Keplarium" - a tribute and project to the famous astronomer Johannes Kepler
KLICK HERE European Space Ressource Office - "ESERO" opened in Linz at AEC
KLICK HERE 5ASE2016 - XXIX Planetary Congress - Community Day in AUSTRIA 5.10.2016
KLICK HERE 2nd Media Conference 17.11.2016 - presenting "Keplarium" - with main focus on the "Urban Kepler-Planets-Ropeway"
KLICK HERE CEDIC`17 - Central European Deepsky Imaging Conference opening
KLICK HERE GAM2017 opening - Global Starparty in Linz 1.4.2017
KLICK HERE Yuris's Night 2017 & awards show "Polarsternpreis"
KLICK HERE "In Flight Call" to ISS at AEC-Linz - 05.12.2017
KLICK HERE The first Austrian Space Ball - 13.01.2018
KLICK HERE GAM2018 - Global Starparty & Sunday in Linz (21./22. April 2018)
400-Year-Anniversary of 3rd Kepler Law (15.5. 1618 - 2018)
Mars Opposition & Total Mooneclipse 27.7.2018
KLICK HERE 30. IAU-General Assembly 2018 in Vienna
KLICK HERE ASTROFEST 2018 in Targoviste/Romania (18.-20.October)
KLICK HERE 400-Year 3rd Kepler Law - this years last presentation @ Austrian Academy of Sciences
KLICK HERE Personal Thoughts on 10 years of Global Astronomymonth
KLICK HERE April 2019 - 10 years Global Astronomy Anniversary - Trip to Iran - Part 1
KLICK HERE April 2019 - 10 years Global Astronomy Anniversary - Trip to Iran - Part 2
KLICK HERE April 2019 - 10 years Global Astronomy Anniversary - Trip to Iran - Part 3
KLICK HERE GAM 2019 - a short report from Linz
KLICK HERE INOMN 2019 - first INOMN (INternational Observe the Moon Night) event in Austria
KLICK HERE Restart of "Austrian-Amateur-Astronomer Meeting 2019" at the biggest public observatory of Austria
KLICK HERE 2020 - Another kind of astronomy without borders - astronomy with handicapped people
KLICK HERE 2020 - "Virtual cellphone star party"
KLICK HERE 2020 - GAM2020 opening with Balcony-City-Astronomy
KLICK HERE 2020 - Virtual meeting in Brazil during "Corona-GAM2020"
KLICK HERE 2021 - 12 YEARS GAM - Global Astronomy Month
"One People, One Sky" - LINKS: